PinChurch Open 2013 Photos
pco-7.jpg PC Open pinball tournament showing camera setup of gameplay in progress 277k
pco1-0.jpg Bally/Williams sound designer, Chris Granner donates one of his prototype machines to the Mystic Krewe's pinball museum 310k
pco1-1.jpg Prototype "Taxi" pinball machine 256k
pco1-2.jpg Competitors at the Mystic Krewe's first major pinball tournament, 2013 91k
pco1-3.jpg Competitors at the Mystic Krewe's first major pinball tournament, 2013 207k
pco1-4.jpg Adrienne Black collects her award in the cash box tournament on the pinball machine "Theater of Magic" (Players pay .50 a game and at the end of the night whoever has the high score on the machine gets all the cash in it) 198k
pco1-5.jpg People enjoying pinball at the Mystic Krewe's Pinchurch 296k
pco1-6.jpg Trophies for winners of the 2013 PinChurch Open 257k
pco1-8.jpg Grand Champion trophy 253k
pco1-9.jpg Pot Luck food and snacks brought by participants 256k
pcopen1-tl.mpg Time-lapse video of the PinChurch Open 2013 5478k
pcopen2013_group_photo.jpg 2013 PinChurch Open group photo 334k