Here you can find information on past tournaments we have hosted.
Past Tournaments
Sept/2024 MKPP Tourney Registration
Every few months, we plan to host an individual, IFPA-sanctioned tournament at our Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor location at 636 North Broad.
Our next event is scheduled for September 30th, 2024.
The event is separate from our league play, and open to all, but it’s limited to a max of 16 competitors, first come-first-served. There’s a $15 registration fee that will cover prizes and trophies for 1-2-3rd place.
Due to the limit on competitors, registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Once the 16 player limit has been reached, no new registrations will be accepted unless someone drops out. However, we would also encourage anybody who wants to participate that missed the pre-signup, to show up at the event, and if we don’t have our full 16 at the start of the event, we will allow additional people to register on premises to fill in the gap.
Sign up here:
MKPP Kebab Open pinball tournament
As Fall descends, we present another cool competitive event, an open pinball tournament in downtown New Orleans, 3pm Sunday NOVEMBER 6th.
This is an IFPA-sanctioned event, with a best-of-5 round of match competition. It may be single or double-elimination. This will be determined by the number of people who sign up.
Event starts at 3pm. The venue will be open at 11am
Register here:
Mystic Krewe Pin-Fall Tournament
The first tournament at the Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor was such a great success that we’re ready to set up another one.
PIN-GOLF is a fun, new way for people to compete individually and play in teams, encouraging more-skilled players to help those new to the sport. We will play a round of 5-6 “holes” of golf on different pinball machines, each with its own objective, and the players who reach each machine objective in the lowest number of balls played, will record the better scores. The team with the best overall (low stroke) score will win the team competition. However, individual results will be reported to the IFPA for international ranking.
There will be team-based competition, putting experienced with non-experienced players so everybody will have fun. Over half the participants will leave with a trophy!
DETAILS: Sunday, October 4th, 2315 St. Claude. New Orleans, LA.
Be there for 3:30pm, Tournament starts at 4pm (please check in by at least 3:30pm).
The venue is the Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor at 2315 St. Claude Avenue in the St. Roch area of New Orleans. The space is shared with an amazing restaurant/bar called “Kebab” and they have awesome food, so feel free to come early and have a great lunch!
We will be using the games that are in the MKPP as of now, possibly with one unknown one. So you can practice on the games any time until the day of the tourney. As long as there are no malfunctions, we anticipate using the existing games in the space for the tournament.
NOTICE: Because of this format we are limiting the number of registrants! People will be put in teams of 3-4 and prizes will be per team. Be sure to register early to insure your spot!
Since this is a public venue and a restaurant/bar, no outside food or drink will be allowed, but there will be plenty to eat and drink in the place .
For our second tourney at this venue, we are reducing the registration amount (and reducing prizes) in order to encourage more local & casual players. Trophies will be awarded to each member of the top three teams, as well as IFPA ranking/points.
- Players will be put in groups of 3 or 4. Each player plays for the target score/objective indicated on the score card. The number of balls played to reach the objective/score will be counted as “Strokes”
- Groups will be set up by IFPA seed with top-ranked players grouped with lower-ranked players. Un-ranked players will be randomly seeded.
- Each game will count as one hole played. When the group is done on a hole it will move on down to the next one. Each round will be 5-6 games (holes)
- Game objectives will vary from game to game. It will usually be a certain score, but sometimes it can be achieving a certain objective in the game (i.e. starting multi-ball or a certain mode).
- When a target score/objective is reached, the player will stop playing and record the number of strokes (balls) – any remaining balls in the game will be skipped/plunged/passed.
- We may drop one set of scores, so for example if there are 6 holes, we may take everybody’s top 5 scores; we may drop more in the event any machines malfunction and make it impossible for everybody to play an equal number of machines.
- The games will be a mix of old and new
- There is a course maximum of 7 Pin-Strokes per Pin-Hole. Should you not reach the Target Score after playing six balls, record a score of 7 and move on to the next Pin-Hole.
- It may take multiple games to reach the Target Score/objective. In this case, any additional games played will be added to the score accumulated from previous games.
- Extra Balls are NOT counted: If a player earns an extra ball, this will be counted as an additional Pin-Stroke if needed.
- Any Jackpots or awards that cross game boundaries will not be counted towards an objective score. (Some games have “extended jackpots” that grow across multiple games)
- Player delays- Since this is a one day tournament we need to keep things moving. Please stay close to the tournament area during rounds. Any player that is not at the game when it is their turn will have their ball plunged after 3 minutes which will count as a stroke.
- If a player passes the Target Score and continues to play subsequent balls of that game, those additional balls will be counted as additional
Pin-Strokes on that Pin-Hole. Please keep things moving by stopping play once target score achieved and letting the other players play their balls. - The player with the lowest score at a Pin-Hole takes the honor of playing first on the following Pin-Hole. The competitor with the second lowest score plays next and so on. If two or more competitors have the same score at a Pin-Hole, the play in the same order as the previous Pin-Hole.
- Anyone caught cheating will be bounced from the Tourney. Everyone is expected to be on their best behavior.
- Tilting someone elses ball will result in a one stroke penalty for the offender. The player whose ball was tilted will wait until their turn is up again and play with 1 stroke subtracted from their score.
- A player playing someone else’s ball will result in a 1-stroke penalty. BE SURE it’s your turn when you step up to play.
- Slam tilting a game in progress will result in a 3 stroke penalty. A second offense will result in a disqualification from the tournament.
- Bang backs and death saves are not allowed.IFPA rankings will be submitted individually, but awards will be given based on team play. The group with the lowest number of strokes for the round will be awarded first place, second place for the next lowest, etc.An additional prize will be awarded for the winners from the top 8 competitors who will compete amongst themselves in a second round of PinGolf with higher thresholds.
- Terms of the rules may be subject to change on the day of the tournament in order to accommodate unforseen circumstances, game problems, player shortages, etc.
Any additional comments or questions send an e-mail to tournaments at mystickrewe period com.
MK Pinball Parlor - Summer PinGolf Classic
PIN-GOLF is a fun, new way for people to compete individually and play in teams, encouraging more-skilled players to help those new to the sport. We will play a round of 5-6 “holes” of golf on different pinball machines, each with its own objective, and the players who reach each machine objective in the lowest number of balls played, will record the better scores. The team with the best overall (low stroke) score will win the team competition. However, individual results will be reported to the IFPA for international ranking.
There will be team-based competition, putting experienced with non-experienced players so everybody will have fun. Over half the participants will leave with a trophy!
DETAILS: Saturday Aug 29th, 2315 St. Claude. New Orleans, LA.
Doors open at 11am. Tournament starts at 4pm (please check in by at least 3:30pm).
The venue is the Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor at 2315 St. Claude Avenue in the St. Roch area of New Orleans. The space is shared with an amazing restaurant/bar called “Kebab” and they have awesome food, so feel free to come early and have a great lunch!
We will be using the games that are in the MKPP as of now, possibly with one unknown one. So you can practice on the games any time until the day of the tourney. As long as there are no malfunctions, we anticipate using the existing games in the space for the tournament.
NOTICE: Because of this format we are limiting the number of registrants! People will be put in teams of 3-4 and prizes will be per team. Be sure to register early to insure your spot!
Since this is a public venue and a restaurant/bar, no outside food or drink will be allowed, but there will be plenty to eat and drink in the place .
- Players will be put in groups of 3 or 4. Each player plays for the target score/objective indicated on the score card. The number of balls played to reach the objective/score will be counted as “Strokes”
- Groups will be set up by IFPA seed with top-ranked players grouped with lower-ranked players. Un-ranked players will be randomly seeded.
- Each game will count as one hole played. When the group is done on a hole it will move on down to the next one. Each round will be 5-6 games (holes)
- Game objectives will vary from game to game. It will usually be a certain score, but sometimes it can be achieving a certain objective in the game (i.e. starting multi-ball or a certain mode).
- When a target score/objective is reached, the player will stop playing and record the number of strokes (balls) – any remaining balls in the game will be skipped/plunged/passed.
- We may drop one set of scores, so for example if there are 6 holes, we may take everybody’s top 5 scores; we may drop more in the event any machines malfunction and make it impossible for everybody to play an equal number of machines.
- The games will be a mix of old and new
- There is a course maximum of 7 Pin-Strokes per Pin-Hole. Should you not reach the Target Score after playing six balls, record a score of 7 and move on to the next Pin-Hole.
- It may take multiple games to reach the Target Score/objective. In this case, any additional games played will be added to the score accumulated from previous games.
- Extra Balls are NOT counted: If a player earns an extra ball, this will be counted as an additional Pin-Stroke if needed.
- Player delays- Since this is a one day tournament we need to keep things moving. Please stay close to the tournament area during rounds. Any player that is not at the game when it is their turn will have their ball plunged after 3 minutes which will count as a stroke.
- If a player passes the Target Score and continues to play subsequent balls of that game, those additional balls will be counted as additional
Pin-Strokes on that Pin-Hole. Please keep things moving by stopping play once target score achieved and letting the other players play their balls. - The player with the lowest score at a Pin-Hole takes the honor of playing first on the following Pin-Hole. The competitor with the second lowest score plays next and so on. If two or more competitors have the same score at a Pin-Hole, the play in the same order as the previous Pin-Hole.
- Anyone caught cheating will be bounced from the Tourney. Everyone is expected to be on their best behavior.
- Tilting someone elses ball will result in a one stroke penalty for the offender. The player whose ball was tilted will wait until their turn is up again and play with 1 stroke subtracted from their score.
- A player playing someone else’s ball will result in a 1-stroke penalty. BE SURE it’s your turn when you step up to play.
- Slam tilting a game in progress will result in a 3 stroke penalty. A second offense will result in a disqualification from the tournament.
- Bang backs and death saves are not allowed.IFPA rankings will be submitted individually, but awards will be given based on team play. The group with the lowest number of strokes for the round will be awarded first place, second place for the next lowest, etc.An additional prize will be awarded for the winners from the top 8 competitors who will compete amongst themselves in a second round of PinGolf with higher thresholds.
- Terms of the rules may be subject to change on the day of the tournament in order to accommodate unforseen circumstances, game problems, player shortages, etc.
Any additional comments or questions send an e-mail to tournaments at mystickrewe period com.
2014-15 Louisiana State Pinball Championships
The LA State Pinball Championships is a sanctioned, invitational competitive pinball event featuring the top 16 players in Louisiana. It is held Saturday, February 7th 2015 at the Mystic Krewe’s PinChurch venue. There will also be a side tournament open to everyone that is IFPA-sanctioned.
Event Details:
Date/time: Saturday, Feb 7, 2015, 12:00 NOON. Finalists should be at the PinChurch by noon, the contest will start shortly thereafter.
Location: “The PinChurch” – all competitors have been notified of the venue location details, which is non-public. Other parties interested in attending or competing in the side tournament should contact for details. For press inquiries, also contact the same address.
If you are among the top-16 LA finalists who has confirmed participation in the event, use the form below to pay your pre-registration fee ($20). All entrants much pay the fee to compete in the event. This money is collected by the IFPA and used for trophies and prizes.
2015-2016 Mystic Krewe Pinball League
The MK now has a pinball league in operation. At this time, space is limited. League play involves several individual tournaments over a 2-4 month period every few weeks. The dates vary to accommodate members and their schedules. The formats for each tournament may also vary to give everyone a chance to participate in different types of tournaments and competitive formats including: head-to-head competition (double elimination, best 2-of-3, loser has choice of game or starting position), PinGolf (players try to meet a goal on a specific machine in as few balls as possible), Qualification (players play x games on a specific machine and are ranked based on their best score(s)), as well as other formats.
Each week there will be prizes, and at the end of the series there will be a cash award. Since most of these events are held in private spaces, there are costs associated with non-member participation to cover the fact that on a regular basis, our dues-paying members give a lot to support our efforts – thanks for your understanding. We do host fully-open public sanctioned tournaments without such restrictions – check the other tournaments pages.
Registration is initially limited to dues-paying members of the Mystic Krewe. If you are not a core+ member of MK, please check with us to determine availability before registering by e-mailing
League is closed for this season – we will have another league soon.
PinGolf "IFPA Project Pinball" Benefit
On Saturday, July 26thh the Mystic Krewe will be hosting an IFPA-sanctioned tournament for the IFPA Pinball Project – a benefit for Children’s Hospital, from 4pm ’til at our famous PinChurch.
PINGOLF is a fun, new way for people to compete individually and play in teams, encouraging more-skilled players to help those new to the sport. We will play a round of 6 “holes” of golf on 6 different pinball machines, each with its own objective, and the players who reach each machine objective in the lowest number of balls played, will record the better scores. The team with the best overall (low stroke) score will win the team competition, and the top 8 individuals will compete for the top individual champion slot.
Doors open at 3pm. Tournament starts at 5pm. BYOB.. Bring snacks and food and share with everybody else. If you are not a member of the Mystic Krewe, contact us for details and directions if you would like to participate. We will allow a limited number of non-members to compete in the tournament if they pre-register. Competitors may bring guests to the event with prior permission if they will donate to help cover maintenance of the machines ($20/person). There will be over 40 pinball machines available for free play.
NOTICE: Because of this format we are limiting the number of registrants to 20 competitors! People will be put in teams of 4 and prizes will be per team. Be sure to register early to insure your spot!
Registration is now closed – we have all competitor slots filled.
If you have anyone that would like to compete in the side tournament, contact us.
- Players will be put in groups of 4. Each player plays for the target score/objective indicated on the score card. The number of balls played to reach the target score will be counted as “Strokes”
- Groups will be set up by IFPA seed with top-ranked players grouped with lower-ranked players. Un-ranked players will be randomly seeded.
- Each game will count as one hole played. When the group is done on a hole it will move on down to the next one. Each round will be 9 games (holes)
- Game objectives will vary from game to game. It will usually be a certain score, but sometimes it can be achieving a certain objective in the game (i.e. starting multi-ball or a certain mode).
- When a target score/objective is reached, the player will stop playing and record the number of strokes (balls) – any remaining balls in the game will be skipped/plunged/passed.
- The 9 games will be a mix of DMD, SS & EM
- There is a course maximum of 7 Pin-Strokes per Pin-Hole. Should you not reach the Target Score after playing six balls, record a score of 7 and move on to the next Pin-Hole.
- It may take multiple games to reach the Target Score/objective. In this case, any additional games played will be added to the score accumulated from previous games.
- Extra Balls are NOT counted: If a player earns an extra ball, this will be counted as an additional Pin-Stroke if needed.
- Player delays- Since this is a one day tournament we need to keep things moving. Please stay close to the tournament area during rounds. Any player that is not at the game when it is their turn will have their ball plunged after 3 minutes which will count as a stroke.
- If a player passes the Target Score and continues to play subsequent balls of that game, those additional balls will be counted as additional
Pin-Strokes on that Pin-Hole. Please keep things moving by stopping play once target score achieved and letting the other players play their balls. - The player with the lowest score at a Pin-Hole takes the honor of playing first on the following Pin-Hole. The competitor with the second lowest score plays next and so on. If two or more competitors have the same score at a Pin-Hole, the play in the same order as the previous Pin-Hole.
- Anyone caught cheating will be bounced from the Tourney. Everyone is expected to be on their best behavior.
- Tilting someone elses ball will result in a one stroke penalty for the offender. The player whose ball was tilted will wait until their turn is up again and play with 1 stroke subtracted from their score.
- A player playing someone else’s ball will result in a 1-stroke penalty. BE SURE it’s your turn when you step up to play.
- Slam tilting a game in progress will result in a 3 stroke penalty. A second offense will result in a disqualification from the tournament.
- Bang backs and death saves are not allowed.IFPA rankings will be submitted individually, but awards will be given based on team play. The group with the lowest number of strokes for the round will be awarded first place, second place for the next lowest, etc.An additional prize will be awarded for the winners from the top 8 competitors who will compete amongst themselves in a second round of PinGolf with higher thresholds.
PinChurch PinGolf 2014
On Saturday, May 10th the Mystic Krewe will be hosting an IFPA-sanctioned tournament, from 4pm ’til at our famous PinChurch.
PINGOLF is a fun, new way for people to compete individually and play in teams, encouraging more-skilled players to help those new to the sport. We will play a round of 9 “holes” of golf on 9 different pinball machines, each with its own objective, and the players who reach each machine objective in the lowest number of balls played, will record the better scores. The team with the best overall (low stroke) score will win the team competition, and the top 8 individuals will compete for the top individual champion slot. Prizes and cash will be awarded both in team and individual play.
Doors open at 3pm. Tournament starts at 5pm. BYOB.. Bring snacks and food and share with everybody else. If you are not a member of the Mystic Krewe, contact us for details and directions if you would like to participate. We will allow a limited number of non-members to compete in the tournament if they pre-register. Competitors may bring guests to the event with prior permission if they will donate to help cover maintenance of the machines ($20/person). There will be over 40 pinball machines available for free play.
NOTE: All participants must pre-register! Teams will be assigned ahead of time based on player rankings so we need everyone to be signed up by May 8th!
NOTICE: We already have 20 competitors signed up (5 teams). Registration is now closed. It may be possible we allow more people to compete but only if we have 4 more players to complete a team. If you are interested, use the “contact us” form on this site. If you can complete an entire team yourself, let us know – we may be able to accommodate you. Registration is $30 per person for non-club-members.
- Players will be put in groups of 4. Each player plays for the target score/objective indicated on the score card. The number of balls played to reach the target score will be counted as “Strokes”
- Groups will be set up by IFPA seed with top-ranked players grouped with lower-ranked players. Un-ranked players will be randomly seeded.
- Each game will count as one hole played. When the group is done on a hole it will move on down to the next one. Each round will be 9 games (holes)
- Game objectives will vary from game to game. It will usually be a certain score, but sometimes it can be achieving a certain objective in the game (i.e. starting multi-ball or a certain mode).
- When a target score/objective is reached, the player will stop playing and record the number of strokes (balls) – any remaining balls in the game will be skipped/plunged/passed.
- The 9 games will be a mix of DMD, SS & EM
- There is a course maximum of 7 Pin-Strokes per Pin-Hole. Should you not reach the Target Score after playing six balls, record a score of 7 and move on to the next Pin-Hole.
- It may take multiple games to reach the Target Score/objective. In this case, any additional games played will be added to the score accumulated from previous games.
- Extra Balls are NOT counted: If a player earns an extra ball, this will be counted as an additional Pin-Stroke if needed.
- Player delays- Since this is a one day tournament we need to keep things moving. Please stay close to the tournament area during rounds. Any player that is not at the game when it is their turn will have their ball plunged after 3 minutes which will count as a stroke.
- If a player passes the Target Score and continues to play subsequent balls of that game, those additional balls will be counted as additional
Pin-Strokes on that Pin-Hole. Please keep things moving by stopping play once target score achieved and letting the other players play their balls. - The player with the lowest score at a Pin-Hole takes the honor of playing first on the following Pin-Hole. The competitor with the second lowest score plays next and so on. If two or more competitors have the same score at a Pin-Hole, the play in the same order as the previous Pin-Hole.
- Anyone caught cheating will be bounced from the Tourney. Everyone is expected to be on their best behavior.
- Tilting someone elses ball will result in a one stroke penalty for the offender. The player whose ball was tilted will wait until their turn is up again and play with 1 stroke subtracted from their score.
- A player playing someone else’s ball will result in a 1-stroke penalty. BE SURE it’s your turn when you step up to play.
- Slam tilting a game in progress will result in a 3 stroke penalty. A second offense will result in a disqualification from the tournament.
- Bang backs and death saves are not allowed.IFPA rankings will be submitted individually, but awards will be given based on team play. The group with the lowest number of strokes for the round will be awarded first place, second place for the next lowest, etc.An additional prize will be awarded for the winners from the top 8 competitors who will compete amongst themselves in a second round of PinGolf with higher thresholds.
Flip Off Hunger Benefit Tournament
Saturday, November 16th the Mystic Krewe will be part of a group of pinball communities around the country hosting a tournament to benefit local food pantries. Our tournament will be hosted at the PinChurch.
Thank you to everyone who came out to make the event a success! We raised $552 which will fund 1,545 meals for people in need!
Saturday, November 16th
3pm-6pm qualifications. 6:30pm- finals
Location: The “PinChurch” – (Eastbank JP, location revealed to pre-registrants)
Format: Multiple divisions (classic, EM, Modern) + additional fun team-based competition and some other varieties resulting in an overall championship ranking.
Qualification round: 2 games per machine are played by each registered participant. The highest score is recorded. Qualification will end at 6pm. You can buy-in and re-qualify 2 times per game @ $5/per play – money goes to charity. If time permits, we may allow up to 4 buy-ins. At 6pm, qualification ends. Players are ranked based on score/machine/division. The top 8 in each division will compete head-to-head in a single-elimination best-2-of-3. The third division will be a team division composed of top + bottom seeds, one player plays ball 1, one player plays ball 2, both play ball 3 in tandem. single-elimination best-2-of-3.
POT LUCK Snacks, food & drink. BRING SOME FOOD AND DRINKS and SHARE with everybody else. This is a benefit so the majority of the money collected will go directly to the charity. Help keep costs down by helping bring foodstuff to the event.
If you would like to bring any additional donations of non-perishable food items, we will accept them and include them with our monetary donation to the food bank.
ContraFlow Annual Tournament
Congrats to our competitors! The event was a ton of fun – and even though this year it was relatively small – next year it will be even bigger and better.
1. Eric Shaffer 2. Cory Brown 3. Stephen Thaxton 4. Bruce Betzer Scott Hannan 6. Mike P Greg Garner 8. Glenn Cannon Michael Migliore 10. Todd Thompson 11. Kat Miscavage Steven Hannan
The MK is proud to help manage the first IFPA-sanctioned pinball tournament held at the annual ContraFlow Sci Fi convention in Kenner, Louisiana. Every year they have gaming and pinball competitions. This year, in addition amateur events, there will also be an IFPA sanctioned tournament.
The tournament will take place on Friday, October 18th. Tournament starts at 6pm SHARP. The doors may be open an hour or two earlier though. But all competitors must be there by 6pm.
The ContraFlow Sci Fi convention has been going on for several years, and they’ve always traditionally featured a gaming area along with pinball machines and contests. This will be the first year where one of the pinball tournaments will have official IFPA endorsement. There will also be an amateur contest on Saturday that is not IFPA-sanctioned.
The IFPA tournament Friday will not be a “full point” tournament due to the IFPA’s restrictions regarding contests on weekdays. It is intended to be a small-scale, local event. As such, there will only be 2, maybe 3 pinball machines available for competition. In order to make sure the event runs smoothly and does not last too long, we are not configuring the event to be a significant source of WPPR points, but more as an “introduction” for this venue/event to get into sanctioned, competitive pinball. We anticipate next year’s event will be a larger-scale, full-point competition. For the one on the 18th, we anticipate this will be a rather small event.
Because of the limited number of games available and the nature of the venue, we plan to run a simple shootout format. If the number of competitors are below 15, we will run best-2-of-3, otherwise the competition will be single-elimination in order to make sure the event does not run too long. We are sorry but due to only having physical space for 2-3 machines, we are limited in how the event can be run. The venue may also be a bit chaotic since we share the room with console gamers and children — it’s a less than ideal situation for serious competitive pinball, but an opportunity to expose new people to the sport.
However as always we will endeavor to make the most of the situation. Doing outreach and recruitment for our club and trying to embrace the mayhem. Join us!
All contestants need to pre-register for this tournament. Because ContraFlow is a convention with paid attendees, tournament competitors will be on a special “will call” list and receive a wristband that gets them into the gaming room where the event will be held. If you do not pre-register you will not be able to get into the venue.
As always, we have a discount for dues-paying Mystic Krewe members, but all competitors are welcome. Tournament registration is $20 or $15 for dues-paying members of MK.
If you wish to attend the other events at ContraFlow, there are additional charges – see the web site: for more details.
Summer Flashback: That 70s Tournament!
On Saturday August 24, 2013 we are planning our “Summer Flashback Tournament” – featuring pinball machines made before 1980. A tournament where flipper skills rule. IFPA-sanctioned!
IFPA results are posted here:
There will also be a 70s-era costume contest with prizes. 70s music and 70s decorations.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, August 24th. Doors open at 3pm. Tournament starts at 5pm sharp.
TOURNAMENT FORMAT: Head-to-head competition in “three-strikes-you’re-out” format. Competitors keep playing until they lose three matches. Keep winning; keep playing until you defeat everyone else. Cash and other prizes awarded for the top X finishers. There may also be additional side tournaments, including a high-score-takes-the-cash-box game.
Tournament results:
Here's the final standings from the tournament: 1. Michael Migliore (10-1) 2. Greg Garner (7-3) 3. Mike Perry (6-3) Eric Shaffer (5-3) 5. Gerard Hudson (5-3) 6. Bob Roth (4-3) Jody Aucoin (4-3) Kevin Keniston (4-3) Kim Powell (4-3) Lewis D'aubin (3-3) 11. Bruce Betzer (3-3) Jesse Rodriguez (3-3) Steven Thaxton (3-3) 14. Adrienne Black (2-3) Bob Brahan (2-3) Brenda Cushing (1-3) John Weems (2-3) Tara Thompson (1-3) 19. Desiree Hyver (1-3) Michelle Stieffel (1-3) Todd Thompson (1-3) Tommy Thompson (1-3) 23. Jake Webb (0-3) John Simpson (0-3) Weston Ganucheau (0-3) Cashbox Tourney Winners: Apollo: Kevin Keniston with a score of 4008 Jackbot: Adrienne Leigh Ganucheau aka "the Black Widow" with a poisonous score of 2,831,867,180 !!
Barcadia Tournaments And Events
The Mystic Krewe is pleased to announce that we will be hosting official IFPA-sanctioned pinball tournaments at BARCADIA, located at 601 Tchoupitoulas, not far from the New Orleans convention center.
Thanks to everyone who came and made our event so successful!
And to our winners!
Jake Webb (1st), Mike Cousins (3rd), Weston Ganucheau (2nd)
place, name1, Jake Webb
2, Wes Ganucheau
3, Mike Cousins
4, Eric Shaffer
5, Kevin Keniston
6, Todd Thompson
7, John Weems
Steven Hannan
9, Adrienne Black
Kelly Grigg
11, Mike Perry
Bruce Betzer
13, Scott Hannan
14, Tommy Thompson
Jeff Denson
16, Stephen Thaxton
17, Bob Roth
Bob Brahan
Lance Coomer
Tara Thompson
Cory Brown
The first tournament in this upcoming series starts SATURDAY, JULY 27, 2013!
The tournament location is Barcadia, 601 Tchoupitoulas Street New Orleans, LA 70130
You must be at the venue by 1pm to be in the tournament.
There is a one-time registration fee. Cash and other prizes may be awarded to the winners based on how much participation there is. Custom trophies will be awarded. IFPA WPPR-points will also be awarded to all contestants. Everyone participating will be registered and ranked in the international IFPA database of seeded, pinball players. There will be no qualification rounds for the tournament.
Depending upon how many participants we have in the tournament, the competition format will be either single, double or triple elimination. The venue has a limited number of pinball machines and we want to make sure the event does not drag on too long, so the exact format will be selected the day of the tournament to make sure everyone has a chance to compete and has a good time with a limited amount of waiting to play. (It’s most likely we will run a head-to-head, double-elimination tournament)
The majority of modern pinball competitions are often held on brand new machines or “better-than-new”, collector-quality games that rarely see any significant play. For this special tournament we wanted to harken back to the old days of classic pinball, and use the venue’s actual heavily-operated games, with all their bumps, bruises and imperfections. Old school pinballers know that playing “bar pinball” is a lot different than what modern competitors deal with. So part of the competition will involve working around the imperfections, and in some cases, malfunctioning issues with games that have been continuously serving the general public for as much as 40 years! The MK routinely operates tournaments on more modern and much cleaner games. This tournament won’t be like that. It will be down-and-dirty, but it’s still head-to-head so everybody has a chance to win. These are old machines and we will likely have various things go wrong – we will slog through them and only problems that directly cause one player to have an unfair advantage over his immediate competitor will be addressed. Otherwise we’re going to play through. Part of the challenge is showing you can play a less-than-perfectly-tuned game as well as something that just came out of the box. No excuses. 🙂 Of course, we will also be having some newer games in very good condition, so everyone will hopefully get a chance to perform on a variety of machine types.
$20 PRE REGISTRATION! Use the “Buy Now” button to pre-register for the tournament at $5 off, and secure your spot on the roster. If you register now, you will be guaranteed to be enrolled in the tournament. In case you arrive late, you will still be able to compete as long as you’re there before your round ends. REGISTRATION ON SITE WILL BE $25 and players must be at the venue by 1pm – once we start the tournament it’s unlikely we can add any competitors, so make sure you’re there on time.
Use the “Buy Now” button below and secure your spot!
Pre-registration is now closed – you must register on-site for $25 to participate.
There will be all kinds of drink specials, food specials and free play of video games during the tournament.
Did we mention how awesome the food is at Barcadia???
If you would like to be contacted with information on this and other local tournaments and related activities, add yourself to these groups:
PinChurch Open (2013)
THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO CAME OUT AND PARTICIPATED! The event seems to have been a great success and everyone had fun, the tournament ran smoothly and we made a lot of new friends!!
2013 PinChurch Open – Tourney Results
Overall Champions:
1. Mike Perry
2. Sven Johnson
3. Kevin Centanni
Cashbox Champion:
Adrienne Black! (destroyed everyone on Theater of Magic with 891,003,940 high score)
EM Division – Top 8 finishers:
Sven Johnson v Adrienne Black on Card Whiz (playing single-player games)
1. Sven Johnson
2. Adrienne Black
3. Bruce Betzer
4. Mike P.
5. Mike Van Etten
6. Kevin Keniston
7. Bob Roth
8. Jeff Ring
Classic Division – Top 8 finishers:
John “Spanky” Weems v Kevin Centanni on Genie: (note upper right flipper disabled intentionally due to coil problem)
1. John Weems
2. Kevin Centanni
3. Bobby Wilson
4. Bob Roth
5. Jeff Ring
6. Kelly Grigg
7. Mike P.
8. Kim Powell
Modern Division – Top 8 finishers:
Mike Perry v Kevin Keniston on Jackbot:
1. Mike P
2. Kevin Keniston
3. Eric Shaffer
4. Scott Hannan
5. Kevin Centanni
6. Stephen Thaxton
7. Kelly Grigg
8. Adrienne Black
Full Results:
PinChurch Open 2013 (May 24, 2013) – Louisiana’s first sanctioned pinball tournament
Final Results
3 class tournaments and 1 overall championship series
Overall Championship – [Louisiana]
Rank, Name
1,Mike Perry
2,Sven Johnson
3,Kevin Centanni
4,Kevin Keniston
5,Adrienne Black
6,Kelly Grigg
7,John Weems
8,Jeff Ring
9,Bruce Betzer
10,Mike Van Etten
11,Kim Powell
12,Gerard Hudson
13,Stephen Thaxton
14,Todd Thompson
15,Greg Garner
16,Lisa Balga
17,Wes Ganucheau
18,Mike Cousins
19,Craig Brumfield
20,Bob Roth
21,Scott Hannan
22,Eric Shaffer
23,Bobby Wilson
24,Max Reese
EM (electro-mechanical) Class
Rank, Player
1,Sven Johnson
2,Andrienne Black
3,Mike Perry
4,Bruce Betzer
5,Mike Van Etten
6,Kevin Keniston
7,Bob Roth
8,Jeff Ring
9,Kevin Centanni
10,Todd Thompson
11,Kelly Grigg
12,Lou Thevenot
13,Greg Garner
14,Max Reese
15,Gerard Hudson
16,Kim Powell
17,Stephen Thaxton
18,Craig Brumfield
19,John Weems
20,Wes Ganucheau
21,Lisa Balga
22,Mike Cousins
Classic (solid state) Class
Rank, Player
1,John Weems
2,Kevin Centanni
3,Bobby Wilson
4,Bob Roth
5,Jeff Ring
6,Kelly Grigg
7,Mike Perry
8,Kim Powell
9,Bruce Betzer
10,Sven Johnson
11,Gerard Hudson
12,Mike Van Etten
13,Mike Cousins
14,Lisa Balga
15,Scott Hannan
16,Greg Garner
17,Kevin Keniston
18,Adrienne Black
19,Stephen Thaxton
20,Wes Ganucheau
21,Craig Brumfield
22,Eric Shaffer
23,Todd Thompson
Modern (DMD) Class
Rank, Player
1,Mike Perry
2,Kevin Keniston
3,Eric Shaffer
4,Scott Hannan
5,Kevin Centanni
6,Stephen Thaxton
7,Kelly Grigg
8,Adrienne Black
9,Gerard Hudson
10,Kim Powell
11,Sven Johnson
12,Flynn Zaiger
13,Mike Van Etten
14,Todd Thompson
15,Jeff Ring
16,Wes Ganucheau
17,Bruce Betzer
18,Craig Brumfield
19,John Weems
20,Greg Garner
21,Lisa Balga
22,Mike Cousins
On Saturday, May 25, 2013 we will be hosting the first sanctioned pinball competition event in Louisiana, entitled the “PinChurch Open”. Sponsored and supported by Pascal Janin/Association Flipp, Jersey Jack Pinball, and Pinball Ninja!
This will be a double-elimination tournament played on multiple machines. (EM will be single elimination on 5-ball machines)
Tournament Details
Date/Time: SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2013, doors open at 2pm, tournament will start around 4pm and last as long as needed
Location: The “PinChurch” – New Orleans, LA-area. The actual address of the venue will be made directly to all participants who RSVP by pre-registering below. For additional information, you can also contact: mike )at(
Doors will be open from 2pm ’til. THERE WILL BE A QUALIFICATION ROUND from 2pm till 5pm – Participants should show up at least by 4pm to be in the main tourneys – earlier is better. from 2-5pm will be qualifications where 2 games on each machine in each class will be played and top scores recorded. Highest 8 will advance at 6pm.
Some of our members are bringing pot-luck food and snacks. Mike will have his famous crab gumbo & red beans and rice. We also may have a barbecue pit going. It’s BYOB. We will have at least 40 different pinball machines available for play including the six designated for the tournament.
The tournament will be broken down into 3 divisions. There will be two games in each division.
Modern – DMD pinball games
Classic – Solid state, non-DMD
EM – electro-mechanical games
Participants can compete in one or all three division. There will be a separate entry fee for each tournament. $20 to enter if paid in advance via the web site, or $25 on the day of the
tournament/in person.
The tournament will be broken down into two rounds: qualification and the semi-finals (depending upon how many people we have sign up). If we have a lot of people, we may run a qualification round which will involve playing 2-3 games on a machine and posting your highest
score. The top X (where X is either 8 – most likely or 16 depending upon how many people we have and how late we run) qualifiers in each division (indicated by the highest average scores on each game) will advance to the semi-finals. Depending upon interest and sign-ups, we may
offer the option to buy-back-in to qualifications. Once the top X (8) are chosen in each division (Modern, Classic, EM) they will compete either head-to-head in double elimination or 2/3 in single elimination based on class and players. The higher-ranked/winning player (indicated by qualification scores or a coin toss if there is no qualification round initially) has choice of either: game selection or who-goes-first.
The overall champion will be selected based on their standing in each of the three divisions. In order to have a chance to win the overall, a player must compete in all three divisions. Players do not have to compete in all three divisions to be ranked, but people who place in
all three divisions will probably be ranked higher than those who only play one or two division. (The overall ranking will be designated by a “point system” based on their standing in each division). In the event of a tie for first-thru-third, there will be a play off.
Awards!! (really nice custom-plaques) will be awarded to first-thru-third place winners in each division. There may also be a cash prize for first place in each division. There may also be additional prizes for winners TBA.
In addition to this, we will likely have a “winner take all” cash box game where one machine operates on coins, and whoever posts the high score by the end of the event, gets all the money in the coin box.
We could also do some other tournaments like a random-partner team play, but I’m hesitant to have too many things going on – but there are lots of possibilities, including tandom play with 2 people with one each working a flipper.
Everyone who competes whether they play in one division or all three, will get WPPR points and their name entered into the IFPA database and get an international ranking. The top players will also be indicated as the best pinball players in Louisiana on the IFPA web site.
We should have snacks and some drinks at the PinChurch. Although BYOB is strongly encouraged, and perhaps we could even have members bring some pot-luck food/snacks.
Pre Register for the Tournament
Use the Paypal link below to PRE-REGISTER for the tournament and save $5 per division over registration at tournament time! Pre-registered contestants are also eligible for additional special prizes! If you are interested in playing in two divisions, select one, add it to the cart, then click “continue shopping” and add the other division. If you want to compete in all three, select the last option in the pull-down below. Hope to see you there!!
The tournament is going to be lots of fun. We will probably also have live music, special guests and many surprises!
If you have any questions or need additional info, email