MK Pinball Parlor – Summer PinGolf Classic

PIN-GOLF is a fun, new way for people to compete individually and play in teams, encouraging more-skilled players to help those new to the sport. We will play a round of 5-6 “holes” of golf on different pinball machines, each with its own objective, and the players who reach each machine objective in the lowest number of balls played, will record the better scores. The team with the best overall (low stroke) score will win the team competition. However, individual results will be reported to the IFPA for international ranking.

There will be team-based competition, putting experienced with non-experienced players so everybody will have fun.  Over half the participants will leave with a trophy!


DETAILS: Saturday Aug 29th, 2315 St. Claude. New Orleans, LA.
Doors open at 11am. Tournament starts at 4pm
(please check in by at least 3:30pm)

pingolf trophiesThe venue is the Mystic Krewe Pinball Parlor at 2315 St. Claude Avenue in the St. Roch area of New Orleans.  The space is shared with an amazing restaurant/bar called “Kebab” and they have awesome food, so feel free to come early and have a great lunch!

We will be using the games that are in the MKPP as of now, possibly with one unknown one. So you can practice on the games any time until the day of the tourney. As long as there are no malfunctions, we anticipate using the existing games in the space for the tournament.

NOTICE: Because of this format we are limiting the number of registrants! People will be put in teams of 3-4 and prizes will be per team. Be sure to register early to insure your spot!

Since this is a public venue and a restaurant/bar, no outside food or drink will be allowed, but there will be plenty to eat and drink in the place .


mkpp01-results-cleansummer pingolf winnersmkpp01amkpp01cmkpp01b


  • Players will be put in groups of 3 or 4. Each player plays for the target score/objective indicated on the score card. The number of balls played to reach the objective/score will be counted as “Strokes”
  • Groups will be set up by IFPA seed with top-ranked players grouped with lower-ranked players. Un-ranked players will be randomly seeded.
  • Each game will count as one hole played. When the group is done on a hole it will move on down to the next one. Each round will be 5-6 games (holes)
  • Game objectives will vary from game to game. It will usually be a certain score, but sometimes it can be achieving a certain objective in the game (i.e. starting multi-ball or a certain mode).
  • When a target score/objective is reached, the player will stop playing and record the number of strokes (balls) – any remaining balls in the game will be skipped/plunged/passed.
  • We may drop one set of scores, so for example if there are 6 holes, we may take everybody’s top 5 scores; we may drop more in the event any machines malfunction and make it impossible for everybody to play an equal number of machines.
  • The games will be a mix of old and new
  • There is a course maximum of 7 Pin-Strokes per Pin-Hole. Should you not reach the Target Score after playing six balls, record a score of 7 and move on to the next Pin-Hole.
  • It may take multiple games to reach the Target Score/objective. In this case, any additional games played will be added to the score accumulated from previous games.
  • Extra Balls are NOT counted: If a player earns an extra ball, this will be counted as an additional Pin-Stroke if needed.
  • Player delays- Since this is a one day tournament we need to keep things moving. Please stay close to the tournament area during rounds. Any player that is not at the game when it is their turn will have their ball plunged after 3 minutes which will count as a stroke.
  • If a player passes the Target Score and continues to play subsequent balls of that game, those additional balls will be counted as additional
    Pin-Strokes on that Pin-Hole. Please keep things moving by stopping play once target score achieved and letting the other players play their balls.
  • The player with the lowest score at a Pin-Hole takes the honor of playing first on the following Pin-Hole. The competitor with the second lowest score plays next and so on. If two or more competitors have the same score at a Pin-Hole, the play in the same order as the previous Pin-Hole.
  • Anyone caught cheating will be bounced from the Tourney. Everyone is expected to be on their best behavior.
  • Tilting someone elses ball will result in a one stroke penalty for the offender. The player whose ball was tilted will wait until their turn is up again and play with 1 stroke subtracted from their score.
  • A player playing someone else’s ball will result in a 1-stroke penalty. BE SURE it’s your turn when you step up to play.
  • Slam tilting a game in progress will result in a 3 stroke penalty. A second offense will result in a disqualification from the tournament.
  • Bang backs and death saves are not allowed.IFPA rankings will be submitted individually, but awards will be given based on team play. The group with the lowest number of strokes for the round will be awarded first place, second place for the next lowest, etc.An additional prize will be awarded for the winners from the top 8 competitors who will compete amongst themselves in a second round of PinGolf with higher thresholds.
  • Terms of the rules may be subject to change on the day of the tournament in order to accommodate unforseen circumstances, game problems, player shortages, etc.

Any additional comments or questions send an e-mail to tournaments at mystickrewe period com.

One comment on “MK Pinball Parlor – Summer PinGolf Classic
  1. admin says:

    Since the new venue is inside a restaurant, sorry no outside food or drinks will be allowed but there’s plenty of good stuff at the restaurant and I believe they may have some “tournament specials” for competitors.

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Want to Join Us?
The Mystic Krewe is looking for creative, passionate, ethical, progressive people to join our ranks and help us create a fun and friendly organization. We like to socialize and play games, but also learn, teach and share, and collaborate on business ventures and other projects. If this sounds interesting to you, consider petitioning to become a member. Check the topics on the upper nav bar under "About Us": "FAQ", and "Membership" for more information, then Contact Us to set up a meeting and tour!

Sell or donate your Pinball or Arcade game to us!

If you have an old pinball machine -- in any condition, consider donating or selling the game to us. We will restore it to its former glory and share it with others. For more info Contact Us!
Join our YouTube channel!
Click here to See our library of videos of past concerts and other performances.
We rent/operate arcade machines and make our resources avilable for special events!
Our collection of games, our museum and our expertise in restoring, maintaining and operating the South's largest collection of vintage coin-op machine is available to partner with others in the area! If you're operating a corporate event and looking for a truly UNIQUE venue or need vintage or modern games, or have a movie production that's looking for special items for set decoration, WE CAN HELP! We have extensive experience doing movie productions as well as corporate events. We are also looking for a public venue where we can set up a very special, unique array of vintage pinball and other devices. We can offer a very attractive and lucrative arrangement with someone in the area who has experience and resources! Club owners, investors, entrepreneurs, restaurateurs.... contact us to set up a meeting and let us show you how to have one of the most unique businesses in the country. Location won't matter. People will come from hundreds of miles around to visit this place. If you have resources and are intrigued, Contact Us
Active Projects
Below is a sampling of the active projects taking place within the Mystic Krewe. These are not all that's going on. If you would like to participate, contact us.

  • Sewing Group - Meets semi-regularly on Tuesdays working on various sewing projects from cloths and quilts to leatherwork and beyond.
  • Video Editing & Production Study Group - ongoing weekly meetings to learn beginner, basic and advanced videography, using HD cameras and Adobe Creative Suite CS6 (Premier Pro, After Affects, Photoshop, etc.)
  • Pinball Repair - Ongoing sessions showcasing basic and advanced pinball and video game repairs. Members come by at their leisure and we tackle various projects.
  • Music Group - MK members comprise a number of popular bands in the area as well as aspiring musicians. We regularly assemble to learn, teach, share and jam in the studio.
  • Basic Electronics/Micro Controllers by example - We're working with the Beaglebone microcomputer, the next generation over the Raspberry Pi, and learning basic electronics and embedded systems by developing a few simple and useful devices. Our flagship product will be a super-intelligent custom A/C thermostat/humidistat.
  • Computer-controlled DMX systems - Using computers to control lights and FX controllers.
  • Stained Glass Workshop - preparing for a class on how to make stained glass art.
  • ProTools and audio recording systems - The ongoing setup and configuration of our multi-track digital studio and podcasting system.
  • Construction and woodworking - We are designing and building custom desks and other fixtures, as well as working on unique artistic pieces and furniture to resell.
  • Mobile Applications Development - Android and IOS development groups are forming to begin learning and designing mobile apps, forming business ventures around these projects.
  • .... and more!
Want to help?
In our quest to celebrate learning, creativity, responsibility, personal advancement, sharing and helping each other and our community. Please consider giving what you can. Any token donation goes a long way in helping cover our expenses and increase our impact on the community. It means so much!

While financial donations are the most critical at this point, if you have other material items or resources to offer our group, please contact us! Thank you so much!!